🎮How To Play

How to get started with Turkeys.io

Looking to get started playing Turkeys.io?

You're in the right place! You'll need an Ethereum compatible wallet like MetaMask and some Ethereum (ETH) for gas fees to mint your first Farmer. Getting started generating $VEG is as simple as clicking a button.

Mint Your First Farmer

Head to the Turkeys.io game and click the Farmers button to access the Farmers page. Connect with your wallet and switch networks to Ethereum if it's not the currently active network. Scroll down to the mint farmers button, take note of the current Farmer price and hit the mint button. After approving your tokens for use, a second wallet prompt will appear for the mint transaction. Boom, you just minted your first ever Farmer and you're already generating $VEG.

Mint Your First Turkey

Similar to minting a Farmer, head to the Turkeys page in the game. Here you'll see how much $VEG your Turkeys have stolen, and you're able to mint new Turkeys. Scroll down to the mint Turkeys button, take note of the price of Turkeys at that time and hit the mint button. You'll have to approve your $VEG tokens, and then you'll see a second wallet prompt to complete the minting transaction. There you have it, you have your first Turkey and you're all set to reap the rewards of the Farmers losses.

Last updated